Also, any disease resistance your character has helps you resist contracting Porphyric Hemophilia in the first place. During those initial three days however, any potion or spell of Cure Disease will. After three days of having Porphyric Hemophilia you turn in to a vampire when you next sleep. To become a vampire you have to contract the Porphyric Hemophilia disease (you can only get it from fighting vampires) which is just like any other disease draining your fatigue by 5 points, but doing nothing special. You can keep from becoming a vampire fairly easily though. But once you do have the non-GoTY disc, the fix is as quick as it takes for you to select the Bloodgrass topic when speaking to the witch.

As to the vampirism cure Bloodgrass glitch, once you're already a vampire, there is honestly no way around it besides acquiring a non-GoTY edition Oblivion.